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Faculty Achievements

Design Ideas competition for IAP House Islamabad Won By Ar.Zehra Aziz

A Design Ideas competition for IAP House Islamabad was announced by the Institute of Architects Pakistan (IAP) on 15th November 2011.

The competition was restricted to architects up to the age of 35, and to students of architecture. The objective of the competition, as described in the design brief, was ‘to encourage young architects to come up with new ideas and show their design skills’, and ‘to familiarize budding architects with the process, limitations, and requirements of design competitions’.
The First Prize was awarded to Ar. Zehra Aziz who based her design mainly on the programmatic requirements of the IAP House. The proposed building was divided into two parts – ‘one for the communal and more public activities and and the other for the accommodation of its guests and members’. Zehra chose ‘simple and aesthetically glamorous finishes’ for her building. The exterior was proposed in natural stone and aluminum cladding. The interiors were proposed in brushed stainless steel and terracotta. Solar power and rainwater harvesting were proposed as the main aspects of sustainability, which was one of the requirements of the competition.

The award ceremony was held as part of the IAPEX Rawalpindi-Islamabad at the end of February. Cash prizes were awarded to the winners in addition to mementos and certificates
Source: Archi Times (Issue March 2012)